• Białystok / Zaścianki ul. Usługowa 15
  • firma@jobimet.pl
  • +34 628 599 796

New job offers at Jobimet

In connection with the expansion of the machine park, the JOBIMET company is looking for employees
Detailed information can be found in the “WORK” tab or by clicking on the link below

We are waiting for applications by June 26, 2020 at the latest..
Work from 01.07.2020


Jobimet is the winner of the 25th edition of the competition “Employer Organizer of Safe Work”

On November 21, 2018. a ceremony was held at the “ASTORIA” Center to sum up the prevention programs implemented by the District Labor Inspectorate in Białystok.

In the gala attended by over 100 people, our district was represented by the District Labor Inspector in Białystok, Marek Aleksiejuk, with his deputies: Jarosław Janowicz and Piotr Szczęsny. The guests of the event were representatives of: the Border Guard, the Tax Administration Chamber, the Regional Directorate of State Forests, the Provincial Headquarters of the State Fire Service, the Provincial Police Headquarters, ITD, UDT, provincial and county labor offices, ZUS, trade unions and employers’ organizations.

During the ceremony, the winners of the “Safety Culture” educational program, the “Get the State Labor Inspectorate” preventive program, the 17th edition of the “Build it safely” competition and the 25th edition of the “Employer – organizer of safe work” competition were awarded.

In the flagship competition, i.e. “Employer – organizer of safe work”, the winners were:

1 category – up to 50 employees:

1st place – ZPHU „JOBIMET” Józef Bardłowski in Zaścianki
2nd place – DW DOMEL Elżbieta Zabielska in Łomża
3rd place – GOLCHEM Andrzej Gołaszewski in Cieciorki

Category 2 – from 51 to 250 employees:

1st place – DOMEL Sp. z o.o. in Łomża
2nd place – CASTORAMA POLSKA Sp. z o.o. CASTORAMA BIAŁYSTOK in Białystok
3rd place – UBOJNIA ZWIERZĄT Robert Rytel in Łomża

Category 3 – over 250 employees:

1st place -IKEA Industry Poland Sp. z o.o. Orla branch in Koszki
2nd place – „Malow” Spółka z o.o. in Suwałki

Contest video:


Current job offers at Jobimet

In connection with the planned opening of a powder painting line, the JOBIMET company is looking for employees.
Detailed information can be found in the “WORK” tab or by clicking on the link below


Jobimet – Main sponsor of the Festival In Grabówka – 22/06/2018

On June 22, 2018, a family festival took place in Grabówka. The organizers of the festival were: the Culture and Recreation Center in Supraśl, the Municipal Cultural Education Workshop in Supraśl and the Supraśl Health Resort. As a sponsor of the festival, Jobimet donated a donation to make admission free, while numerous attractions awaited the residents.

The festival began with a performance of children’s and youth groups operating at the CKiR in Supraśl. Then the children from the Primary School in Sobolewo and the Uku Band performed. During the performances, visitors could enjoy such attractions as: inflatable playgrounds and slides, a fairy-tale train, a toy fair, and animations and games.

After the children’s performances, there was something for the older participants, the concert was played by the band Lajland and the star of the evening Zenon Martyniuk with the band AKCENT. After the vocal performances, a dance lasted until late in the evening – again with the Lajland band.

During the festival, funds were collected for help and treatment for Jakub Kowejsza.

Photo report (courtesy of knyszynska.eu):
